

agricultural and veterinary chemicals, horticulture, commodities
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Banking Finance

Securities, Digital Assets - Stablecoin, Tokens and Authentication
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Intellectual Property Law

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Data Flows

Data Adequacy & Data Protection, Privacy
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Cyber Security & Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain

Smart Contracts, Digital Assets, Tokens, and Authentication Systems

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Free Trade Agreements

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Cross Border -Transnational Legal Expert

International Commercial Arbitration & Investor State Arbitration
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Arbitrated Intellectual Property and Contractual Disputes

A decade experience law reform  (risk-based) , working with customers and stakeholders to facilitate and negotiate complex outcomes that benefited investment, jobs, social and environmental outcomes for business, community and government. 

WGB is multifaceted with 20+ years’ experience in directing, managing, implementing and developing Compliance, Audits, Certification, Business, Project and Risk Management for both corporate and government sectors.  

Subject matter experts with books and journal publications in aforementioned areas of law, invitations to lecture and present internationally on commercial law (arbitration, cross border insolvency and contracts) and data protection-data flows-data adequacy in commercial risks (Australia, Europe, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Kenya, Vietnam, Laos, India, Indonesia) context, and an extensive network of international legal practitioners. 

In depth knowledge of the international business processes and procedures required to meet national legal obligation and to manage any risk. 

Highly adept at combining theoretical knowledge and interpretation of legislation with practical application in a commercial context, to provide real-world recommendations and outcomes to internal and external stakeholders, extensive experience standardizing policies, protocols, and training programs, including the associated documents such as vendor and client contracts. This is achieved through developing risk frameworks, policies and procedures.

Developed, Managed and Facilitated senior level government to industry workshops (United Kingdom, Kenya, South Africa, India), ITC, Primary Industries, Education, Supply Chains, amongst others.

Engaged by ASX listed company to provide advice in relation to the national and transnational regulation of digital assets.

Associate Professor Law Australia, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow University Western Australia and Adjunct Professor, European Faculty of Law, Europe.

International Arbitrator-Solicitor, CiARB-Fellow

• LLB (Victoria)

• MPPM (Monash)

• Ph.D. Law (Victoria)

• Honorary Lecturer Liverpool University Law – United Kingdom

More than a decade experience in the court, WGB come with both practical and high level local, national and international legal, compliance and regulation experience.