Legal Services,Arbitration & Consultancy

Qualified Arbitrator - Charter Institute of Arbitrators & Fellow CIArb

In Person or Online
Common & Civil Law


Legal Services & Consulting

Other special knowledge & expereince

Chaired, developed and implemented international online workshops - meeting commercial industry and government
Prosecutions  - Prosecutor and Investigator 

Consultation & Advisory

Consulting - Investigations and Risk Management

Principal and Chief Investigator consulted through Victoria University to develop and advise both the UK Government in relation to data flows and the digital economy (India, Kenya, South Africa).

Principal and Chief Investigator consulted through Victoria University to develop and advise the Australian Government in relation to data flows, cyber security and artificial intelligence in the digital economy. Link forthcoming

Cybersecurity-data governance of online learning: a transnational perspective –

Engaged by ASX listed company to assess the current international regulatory environment in relation to crypto-assets, stablecoin – Victoria University Digital Economy Research Group.

Data Laws in selected jurisdictions,

Developed Business – Risk Management Standards, Processes, Procedures & Systems 

International tax where ‘domicile’ versus ‘place where services are rendere

Compliance & Regulation

Develop, review, audit [ISO] and assist in the implementation of compliance and regulatory programs.

Advised local government on the regulation of agvet chemicals to protect the local environment and primary production from the incursion of pests and disease.

Government Grants – identified government grants to enhance manufacturing back into Australia.