About Us

The digital economy is transcending every part of our daily lives. Importantly, the digital economy and the use of technology is challenging trust in governance and therefore ethics in data, cyber security and artificial intelligence along with new technologies will be critical.

Operating globally, the rule of law is fundamental to providing certainty for business and the broader community. The rules, principles and concepts that derive from the law also ensure social, diversity, inclusion and environmental responsibility. 

The complexity in transnational legal, regulatory and compliance obligations will only increase, and the highly specialised comparative skills needed to ensure Arbitration and Legal Services Consulting Arbitration is undertaken with excellence, is a modern-day requirement.


prompt, effective, excellence, agile and pragmatic

in person or online, and available 24 hours all year

is global


Client Testimony

I have worked with Principal-Director for more than a decade. WGB is highly adaptable, collaborative, engaging and professional. I witnessed first-hand his high-level expertise in developing, negotiating and managing contracts involving IP (from development to commercialisation), and other matters. He has advised on areas such as tax, employment and superannuation.
A/Proff Dr AI
In relation to visas and obtaining permanent residence of Australia, WGB were very professional providing clear advice of the most efficient and cost-effective approach. WGB made the process easy to understand and stress free.

Catherine Layhoon